WebMD said "plenty of bed rest" for flu. Given the view from bed, that sounded a good idea but given that I didn't know it was flu, it sounded like a waste of time. So time to investigate the "private beach". Depends on your definition as there's no such thing legally in NZ but you can't see it from anywhere so, adjectivally, it's true.
Beach at high tide from the breakfast table |
At low tide, nearly |
One of my favourite places closish to Orewa is the Parry Kauri Park and the Warkworth Museum so, to stretch the legs and lungs, that was my next stop. I'd taken a number of dud photos last time and wanted to do better, especially those of the "Make the little woman happy - buy her a new iron for Christmas" variety. I suspect someone at the museum found them inappropriate and has whisked them away to the archives. They did leave behind the shoe repair ad, though.
The Dudlesack |
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