
Confuse-a Brit

So the book says that, to stop your brain rotting, you have to confuse yourself a bit.  So here goes.  In the grand tradition of Monty Python's "Confuse-a-Cat" sketch, I am now engaged in confusing myself.  I'm not really stupid (yet) so, rather than really confusing myself I will simply be doing things differently and, sometimes, bloody awkwardly (already experienced that).
The idea is that, by varying your routine and experiencing things using different senses than usual, you develop new connections in your brain.  

Day 1

Let's start gently - a stroll, with camera, round Biltmore.  A number of options for confusing myself here.  First of all, I ignored the main car park and headed for the carpark by the garden centre, effectively making me take my usual route backwards.  And, of course, I wandered off my usual route (tip for Biltmore visitors - if you choose to walk on the road rather than the footpaths you stand a good chance of getting run over).  Not content with that bit of idiocy, I thought I'd take some photos left handed.  Bloody hell but that's difficult - everything's on the wrong side of the camera.  But here is my first left handed photo.  I took a few others and am proud to say that none of them featured my thumb or a wildly non-horizontal horizon.

Day 2

I got dressed before I had breakfast though I'm afraid my breakfast was a pretty predictable bowl of Susan's homemade muesli with which I forgot to have any strawberries.  I did successfully drink my coffee left handed, though.  
After breakfast I cloned my hard drive onto an SSD - confusing enough in itself without needing to stand on my head or do it with one eye closed.  So, while that was cooking, I went to get a haircut, buy some pork chops and some timber at Lowes.  I inadvertently forgot where I had parked the car - you try finding a particular white Subaru in Publix's car park - so I bet that created a few new brain connections.  From there to Lowes where I appear to have bought the most bent piece of oak quarter round in Asheville but at least I found my car.
In the process of installing the oak in the kitchen (as a seal between counter and wall) I moved everything off the counter. I knew where it came from but put lots of it back in the wrong place.  It will undoubtedly piss Susan off but we're in this together.  And some things can't go back where they were because the oak's now in the way.
Job well done, I ate my lunch left handed.  Nothing tough to cut but it was hard work making myself cut properly rather than just digging and pulling at stuff.
I think that may be it for today - I have band practice this evening and I don't think anyone would appreciate me playing left handed though I will take my small Marshall amp for a change.


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